Monday, 2 February 2015

A beginners guide to Hot Bikram Yoga.

So, it's February, a New Year and time for a 'new you' right?

We all know that New Years Resos flop pretty quickly, as all of our good intentions fade away into the distant memory with the Australia Day Hangover (unless you're in the UK then it fades into a sea of warm cakes and Christmas leftovers).

Jan 17th is even the official "ditch new years resolutions day" - not even my cynicism thought of that one.

I have come to the conclusion - maybe a controversial one - that I HATE RUNNING. I like to run when I am fit enough, but I don't want to train and hate the pain of getting there. Life's too short right? So cue something soft and gentle, like yoga.

As cynical as some of these 'trendy' things seem somethings, yoga's been around for longer than donkeys and less than dinosaurs. So it's pretty "up there" with credibility. Paltro not included. But it goes to show that somethings might be worth sticking a limb out for.

Cue: Bikram Hot Yoga.

So first things first, this isn't a shameless plug, because I have no vested interest. I just picked a place that was cheap and happened to be near work, as I had been off the yoga-band-wagon and replaced it with the boot-camp-bandwagon pre-wedding. My previous fitness had definitely taken a decline, shall we say, so it's pretty much back to base camp 1 with me.

After a few weeks of going once or twice a week - I have been surprised at how quick it is to pick up and to recover.

Once you get over the "oh my god I think I might die" kind of idea, things really do get much easier from there.

Ps - I cannot claim to know anything about the different types of yoga, the posts, the benefits etc. To be honest, it all kinda looks the same and feels pretty crazy in 40 degree heat anyway.

So a few things you need to know (and maybe do) about Hot Yoga:

  • It's hot. Crazy hot if you're not used to it. You might feel self conscious but you want to wear as little as humanly possible. Trust me, when you see the rivers running down your face, you're not gonna care what you look like.(just wear a sports bra and shorts sporty shorts for flexibility)
  • Bring multiple towels. One to sweat on, a small one for your face and one for the shower. Sounds gross right? It's actually awesome.
  • Freeze your water. It's 40 degrees, you need to drink a couple of litres before class, but you'll sweat it all out again. You will drink at least 1.5-2L of water during/after the class - so freeze it, it'll melt during class and stay nice and cool for when you really need it.
  • Take off your makeup. It's not staying on anyway.
  • Take a plastic bag. You'll be thankful that you're bag doesn't stink of your own sweat. Because trust me, your sweat ain't smelling sweet.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes for after class - or wear them to class. Ever tried to wrangle into damp/tumble dried jeans when you're hot and sticky? It's not a pretty sight.
  • Breathe only through your nose throughout the entire session unless told otherwise. It'll keep you calm when you think you can't breathe, and will actually help cool you down quicker.
  • Move as little as possible during the class, ie - no fidgeting! This will only make you warmer.
  • Have faith that you can do it, but only within your bodys means. Fight your mind, but if you're feeling pain - take a break.
Then go into the class with a clear mind and don't beat yourself up if you 'can't do it' or 'can't switch off'. You're there, you've made it, give yourself a break and enjoy the benefits.

I hope that many more people can enjoy the actual joy of yoga and give up the idea that there's "no pain = no gain".

Much loves xoxo