Monday 16 April 2012

Sunny Coast Adventures!

Dave and I on the Sunshine Coast Hinterland

Hello everyone!

Well, what a week! So I accepted the job offer at the Mater Foundation as a Fundraising Coordinator, which is a fantastic opportunity to learn lots more about fundraising - especially events!

So its a great start to build on my career, gain some extremely valuable experience and to start my life properly!

And to top it all off, we had a lovely (if not a bit wet!) weekend camping on the Sunshine Coast, just north of Brisbane!

We started the weekend exploring the coast, with a trip to the tres famous Eumundi Markets. We always love to eat and explore our way through every market we can get our hands on! It was a little bit wet at first, with my legs covered in specs of mud before we left the car park...but it did get a bit nicer. Although my thongs (flip flops!) had seen better days and had to be thrown away after stinky Happy (the car) out.

We spent a bit of time at Noosa - mainly trying to find a car park space, truely atrocious facilities! But is a really cute little town - kinda a small vibe like Byron and nice and chilled, even though it was still the school holidays. And the ice cream shop at the very end of the street past the information centre comes HIGHLY recommended!
Penis Mangrove

This picture is of one of the many mangroves as found around the beaches. I tend to think that most of them look like they are growing large penises. Dave doesn't share this idea, but I think there's the proof.

We ended up camping at Ocean Trailer Tourist Site - a Top Rated Site...I personally wouldn't give it this grand title. It had nice view, yes. But it was also right by the main road, had poor lighting, staff that really weren't bothered that we even turned up and the camp area (not that you can really call it that) was surrounded by dog poo.

And it rained. All night.

But we did have a nice time, it was an intriguing place, really in the middle of nowhere really - in between Landsborough and Maleny - of which neither town had much to offer and everything shut at 4pm anyway. Except the bottle shop (off license), luckily.

There were quite a few old folk that appeared to have been living in the park for quite some time, a thought that I couldn't comprehend - living in a rundown caravan park, with shared facilities and constant mosquitos...I guess not everyone in Australia is rich.

But it was good for one night, and the Sunday we spent looking around Monteville - the local tourist destination. Famous for quaint boutiques, buildings and gift shops and boy are there loads!

We found some really obscure ones like the Irish and Scottish shop, which sold tourist tack from Ireland and Scotland, despite being so very far away. But they also sold Polos and Love hearts which I thought was nice.

Mainly it was a place to indulge in snacks, shopping and scenery, which we did. We did try to go to a few view points early in the morning, to discover that we had gone straight into a cloud! Apparently the views are otherwise stunning... Dave and I have already begun our dream retirement house planning here!

And on the way back home, we went via Marochydore - Dave always laughs when I try to pronounce places in Australia. Half of them are stolen from England like Newcastle, Ipswich and Stafford.  The other half are complicated, 'Australian' names like Woolloongabba, Mudgeeraba and Wagga Wagga (really not said how you think it would be!).

So he gets a kick out of my learning Australian ways...its really not the same language at all.

Anyways, so the beach here was really pretty, out of the way and with actual shells! A few anyways - this appears to be a rare thing, unlike Kent, as all the beaches are just not much chance for shell I took this opportunity and filled Daves hat with cool looking shells, which will most likely be used to decorate a small bowl in the guest toilet. Good use.

Anyways, I shall leave you all with this beautiful picture of the Sunshine Hinterland at Monteville - Australia is greener than you think eh?

Love to all and thanks to Laura, Sass, Max and Jack for our fabulous postcards, of which are on our fridge! We shall look forward to more in the future!

Much love, Hev xxxx

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Happy Easter and other good news...

Happy Easter to everyone at home love Hev & Currie

My Easter Sandcastle 

At Burleigh Point

Nobbys Beach

Easter Bunnies!!

G'day everyone! I trust you all had a lovely Easter Break!

I certainly did..was a beautiful weekend - so hot and sunny, which is unusual for this time of year apparently, so we got some beach time in. We had our own sandcastle competition, played grip ball - which Dave then work up all achey, haha!

We spent it on the Gold Coast and just swam, ate, went to the beach and caught up with friends and family which was great! We had a nice big Easter bbq with Daves family, where we scored lots of choccie easter bunnies! And we played 'football' (rugby) with the kids in the garden - they are such fast little things!

And we caught up with Mandy, Eloise & Brant, Jan and Ali, so very social.

I was so happy to see Ali again! We met in Buenos Aires in Dec 2010 and hung out the whole time we were there, before i flew to Sydney for christmas and new year - so it was soo lovely to catch up and see her, as when I left I didn't think I'd see her for years, if ever again. Life is funny like that.

And Eloise and Brant told us they are going to move to Melbourne, which would be so good for them, and we are expecting the engagement party invite in the post very shortly, with the wedding in New Zealand next year, so lots to look forward too.

This week we are looking into doing yoga classes, for general fitness and flexibility, after the doctor told me my back was horribly inflexible for my age, and it could lead to back I shall attempt to touch my toes...its been too long.

Hopefully we are going camping this weekend on the Sunshine Coast with Tori and Jay - another couple friend who have recently got engaged - theres going to be a lot of dresses to buy! And we should be able to catch up wit Sabina as well, a friend we met last year in Oz who took me to the Sunshine Coast for the awesome Eumundi Markets and my first Cold Rock Ice cream!

So all is going well...I have a number of personal projects to work on, such as knitting - still a learning process, and a personal guide to living in London for Jen, Jess and Sabina, who are all heading for a UK adventure this year.

All I can say is - London, BEWARE!!

Oh and I also made Vietnamese fresh spring rolls (also known as the Fantastic Summer Rolls in the Cay Tre), which are super yum! We are def getting into the cooking again, last night, we made a chicken and veggie curry pie - an Aussie staple.

And on the final note, for those who knew I was going for it, I GOT THE JOB!!

This makes me VERY happy, as it is a permanent, full time job with a childrens charity as a Fundraising Coordinator - which is alot of events work which will be fun! My first project is working on the Brisbane 5km fun run, so im very excited!

Also it starts on $60k + super (which is a 9% salary increase for you pension) +tax benefits (for an NGO) - this equates to: £39k a year, plus my pension which work pay amazing is that?!?

So its a great opportunity in alot of ways!

I hope this is the turning point for everything.

So i hope you are all well, and yes - to those who have mentioned it, a Skype date is def in order!

Much love xxxxxx 

Monday 2 April 2012

Cups, Ross, Jobs and other 4 letter words...

Well, I haven’t written for a while. So it might be a long and hopefully interesting one.
Let me take you back a few weeks.
I had to pee in a cup. With the doctor standing outside the door, listening to me. That was a little weird. Then the next doctor laid me down and tried to feel my organs, whilst commenting on every scar, piercing, weird anomalies that he could see. That was quite weird too. Apparently my first temping experience required a full medical, including drugs and alcohol.
Turns out I am fit and healthy, with an incredibly inflexible back, which can be sorted out by stretching in front of the telling, pulling a towel around my feet.
So, this tells you that I am currently temping at the moment, as a receptionist. Having never done reception work, but having seen it be done, I felt that it can’t be that hard and it’s a good starting point for earning some cash. So I signed up for a 2 week contract with a services and resources company (even after 2 weeks I still can’t figure out what they do).
Once again I seemed to work again with a self indulgent young lass who went to the solarium and had a manicure done in her lunch hour, as standard.
So am glad to be out on the road again, with another company up until Easter, where the journey is much more scenic and enjoyable, I have a lot more time to myself and they actually have a resident snake catcher and procedure on site. And I get greeted by big old lizards on my way in.
So that’s the work front, scattered with a few interviews that I am eagerly awaiting information from – fingers crossed, not many charities are willing or understanding enough to even offer me an interview with my visa type at the moment, so I have all my fingers and toes crossed for this one.
Otherwise, we had a grand old time Ross Noble, at the QPAC in Brisbane the other week. HE.WAS.AWESOME. I love him, he’s soooo funny! I did have to go all the way to Australia to see him. It was worth it. The stage was a montage of brightly colourful, crazy objects – to reflect his mind methinks. And he was on top form, with his wit as sharp as ever, using the audience, random gifts and tales, woven into a confused but comfortable rug of comedy. They should use that for the dvd.
Ross Noble always reminds me of sitting on the sofa, in the Mouse House in Kingston, laughing until we cried with Elliott, whilst the others wandered in and out, not really sure of what to make of it! Ah, those days, can’t believe they have gone so quickly.
In other news:
Personalised Numberplate Update
I have actually seen some killer ones this week, but haven’t noted them all down and can’t remember them all, but here’s some of this weeks most memorable best –

I need to start taking lots of pictures of these, they do appear to be everywhere and some of them are pretty ridiculous.

I woke up with an early interview, as you do, followed by a 5km cycle stint in our gym (apparently this only burns like 60 odd calories, so not impressed by this discovery – it does not make me think the gym is worthwhile), followed by a dip in the pool (this was my big toe, then with almost sub-zero pool temperatures, decided it was against my health), followed by a bus to work, where I am now.

I am also tres excited about the long Easter weekend ahead of us! Although it may be a little manic with catch ups! We are heading down to the Gold Coast Thursday night for a surprise 30th birthday and to catch up with Daves family and Matt – along with a whole host of friends. Then I shall come back up Saturday to meet up with Ali, who I haven’t seen since we were in Buenos Aires together in December 2010. Crazy! She’s flying up from Melbourne for the weekend so can’t wait to catch up with her! And then back down to the coast for Easter Sunday and Monday for a bit more family/beach time. Phew!

Then I am either back in the world of unemployment for a while, of (fingers crossed) in an actual job.

I have also been a little bit homesick this week for a few reasons. The first, was Ellies Hen Do in Ireland, with all the lovely ladies. I am sad to have missed this and will be even sadder to be missing the wedding in May. It sounds beautiful and I’m sure it will be an incredible day.
The second, more recent, family events taking a turn for the unexpected (in my eyes anyway). I am truly gutted by this outcome, and really wish I could be there for everyone and to understand.
And finally, it is the Sass’s 13th birthday! My little sister, now catching up with me and still making me look short – even though I’m not! Have a wicked day and look out for the parcel in the post J xxx
If anyone wants a Skype date, that would be lovely! It is now a 9 hour time difference and you can find me at: thisisheathermurphy if you have not already found me.
Miss and love you all lots, have a great Easter, eat chocolate, be sick and look for bunnies. xxxxxxx