Thursday 2 February 2012

The English Rose is Australia Bound.

So...the bags are packed (to bursting point), most of the goodbyes have been made and the alarm is set. As is our supply of wintercoats, scarves, flip flops and sun cream. From one extreme to the other.

It's a weird feeling, knowing that less than 12 hours, we'll be at the airport, having said our final goodbyes...not knowing when you're going to see these same faces again.

This past week has been a roller-coaster, sorting everything out, socialising, being visited and doing all the visiting. But its an exciting prospect, knowing that in a couple of days, I'll be on hot Australian soil, getting used to the heat, the accent and Vegemite (NEVER!!!!).

But I have always been surrounded by amazing people - and everyone has been so supportive, with kind words, handmade cards and gifts, visits from foreign lands, going out with a bang in London etc. It's been pretty hectic and I have definitely have my anxious moments, but I know its the right thing for us.. and of course, Australia makes a great holiday destination - so save those precious English pennies!!

So we fly at 10.55am from Heathrow tomorrow morning, and arrive 7.30pm Saturday, Australia time. It's 'How, for now', but we'll see you on Skype (this is heather murphy) and keep an eye out for my 'living in Australia' updates and tips!

Much love and thank you to all my closest family and friends, I shall miss you all!!!! xxx

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Hi there!

Thanks for getting in touch with The English Rose - she'll aim to get back to you shortly!

Have a lovely day.