Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Greeting the Grey.

This ones for all the grey ladies out there.

I found my first grey hair. On my wedding day. Coincidence?

I'm not sure. Wake up call? Not right then, I had other things to think about.

Now - absolutely.

But not necessarily with age. Obviously, as we get older, it's a part of the natural ageing process. And I'm OK with that. And I know that some people get greys early on - much earlier than me. That's OK too.

But judging by my other family members - I don't believe it's down to age, not right now anyway. My Dad's side of the family are all very dark haired and my Chinese Grandma didn't go grey until she was much older. I remember the day I realised that she was going grey and that she was getting older. And that was a strange realisation in itself.

It's a simple, common, modern day killer. Stress.

It doesn't discriminate, but it does get you - without you even realising it.

Where does all this stress come from? A variety of factors including:

  • Work
  • Wedding
  • Finance
  • Homesickness
  • Career Prospects
  • Unemployment Periods
  • 'The Future'
What I have come to realise is - it's not worth it. What the point in feeling the tightness in your chest of anxiety because you are overworked and underpaid? Doing yet another 12 hour day and being paid for 7, and still not getting any sleep, because work has claimed the other 12 hours of your day too.

I'm not complaining, mind you, as I have made these choices and everything has bought me up to this point - which is amazing. Moving forward, I hope that it enables me to make smarter decisions, so I am not always working harder and being able to 'let go' of all the things that you can't control.

And maybe this will help keep the greys at bay for a while, at least until I feel old and wise enough to have earnt them.

Much loves xoxo

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Hi there!

Thanks for getting in touch with The English Rose - she'll aim to get back to you shortly!

Have a lovely day.